Processing mail

Posting outgoing physical records, managing acknowledgements of receipt

Processing mail

Apart from the ever increasing rate of digitisation and the increased use of electronic communication channels, conventional mail forwarded by post keeps playing an important part in the daily life of companies. Gathering and posting outgoing mail, processing and storing paper-based acknowledgement of receipt (AR) forms and retrieving them if necessary at a later time are all essential requirements, regardless of the size of the entity. A common feature of the above processes is that they have significant resource needs. The CRAFT system supports the use of the electronic services provided by Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post), allowing its users to greatly simplify and speed up posting mail in large quantities and to manage the ARs in a fast and organised manner.


  • Transfer documents to be posted into the central mailroom
  • Manage documents pending posting
  • Create electronic dispatch lists which are compliant with the requirements of the Hungarian Post
  • Generate AR forms for outgoing documents
  • Manage documents pending their AR forms
  • Manage electronic ARs of the Hungarian Post and link them to documents
  • Scan and automatically process paper-based ARs
  • Link AR images to the appropriate documents
  • Manage undelivered documents and, optionally, resend them
  • Archive dispatch lists and search in them


Tasks with high labour and time demand can be replaced with processes of higher level automation, which, as a consequence, are faster and can be retraced more easily.

Data registered while creating outgoing documents can be used to automatically generate an electronic dispatch list compliant with the requirements of the Post.

A fully electronic connection with the Post: all information sent to and received from the Post is managed in an electronic form. This allows automatic processing.

Posted physical records are linked to the submitted and confirmed dispatch list and also to the record’s AR. This allows viewing all mailing documents associated with a given record starting out from a single document, making any agreements with the customer and the Hungarian Post faster and simpler.

The Post validates all dispatch lists so if there are any problems, they are identified before delivery and can be remedied immediately.

In certain cases the Post will grant a discount from the fees charged for documents posted using an electronic dispatch list.

General features

  • Bespoke solutions
  • Reliable systems tailored to the needs of financial institutions
  • Processes and data content can be designed by the principal
  • Solutions working closely with other systems used by the company