Management instructions

Management instructions for the employees and important public interest information
Craft - vezetői utasítások

Management instructions

Management decisions defining the course of operation are instrumental in achieving the company’s goals, so documenting them is of key importance. Every employee with appropriate access rights must have access to the effective and up-to-date versions of the decisions made. The Document Library module of the CRAFT system supports this functionality. In addition to that, it also provides the company management with a means to publish their opinions and views in questions affecting specific employees. (For example, it can be used to send employees the terms and conditions of specific fringe benefits.)


  • Document library for management decisions
  • Document library for information affecting employees
  • Document hierarchy, which can be reorganised by the company
  • Support the preparation, approval and implementation of modifications
  • Support teamwork
  • Provide access to documents for every employee
  • Revision control of documents
  • Manage validity deadlines


Well-informed employees who are aware of the expectations can operate the company with fewer mistakes.

The processes for preparing and approving modifications follow a well-defined workflow.

Initial training for new entrants is simplified.

General features

  • Bespoke solutions
  • Reliable systems tailored to the needs of financial institutions
  • Processes and data content can be designed by the principal
  • Solutions working closely with other systems used by the company